Empowering Lives and
Communities In Need
Together, we can change lives.
Together, we can give those living in poverty a future with hope.
Together in Hope works with some of the world’s poorest communities in the Philippines. These are communities unreached by international development organizations. We work with these communities to help them break the cycle of poverty and give them a future with hope. Together in Hope also works to address human trafficking in the Philippines and elsewhere.
Our Programs
Together in Hope works in 6 communities in the Philippines: the students at Harris Memorial College in Taytay Rizal, the squatter communities of Upper Javier, Bicol, and Malis, fishing villages in Samar, and a street children’s outreach program in Central Manila. Together in Hope operates preschools, provides nutritional and educational support to preschool and older school children, livelihood training and cooperatives, fishing cooperatives, human trafficking prevention education, and training in storytelling skills. Together in Hope began working in Malis in 2008 establishing the Jessica’s Table program. This program was created in memory of Jessica Wright Pottinger, who passed peacefully from this life into the arms of heaven in December 2008. Jessica loved serving little children, and she lived her life with the openness and enthusiasm of a child even in life’s darkest hours. Many of the world’s children live continuously in the dark hour of hunger and hopelessness. Jessica’s Table has been created in loving memory of Jessica to feed the world’s children in her name.