Fishing Cooperatives
In 2014, Together in Hope helped launch fishing cooperatives in two communities in Samar, Philippines in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan which devastated that region of the Philippines in 2013, wiping out most of the fishing industry of small villages. Through the establishment of these cooperatives, community members were able to rebuild their mussel or “tahong” farms which are harvested twice a year. In between harvests, the beneficiaries earn their daily income from catching fish and crab using “bentolan”, a 2x1x1 feet cage usually made of bamboo or aluminum wire used to catch crabs around their tahong farm. A portion of the tahong harvest is processed into tahong crackers or kropek by the women in the communities. The tahong crackers are enriched with moringa to make it more nutritious and ideal snacks for school children. The crackers are marketed locally in the poblacion or town proper and in other town centers.