Our Model
Local Community Empowerment.
Together in Hope works with some of the world’s poorest communities in the Philippines. These communities are unreached by international development organizations. In partnership with these communities we work with them to break the cycle of poverty and give them a future with hope. Our model is local community empowerment. To empower a community living in poverty, the community must be involved in every step in developing and taking ownership of each project.
Together in Hope does not enter a community to "fix" it. We enter at the invitation of the community and work with its leaders and community members to build capacity. The community is the primary decision-maker in determining the steps needed to move toward sustainability. Together in Hope comes alongside that effort and works with the local community to implement programs they design.
Our main goal is to empower poor communities and to leave as little foot print as possible. This model is built upon shared leadership among community members. The local community plays an active role in the project identification, planning, implementation, and monitoring. As a community grows and develops, Together in Hope is there to assist with educational and nutritional support, job and livelihood training, and health care support. By empowering communities to self-define and self-actualize, Together in Hope seeks to break the cycle of poverty, giving community members and families a future with hope.